Contemplating the Quran 2023/1444 Answer Key

Day 1: Al Fatihah and The First Half of al Baqarah

Question 1: Fatihah: This surah contains the 3 types of Tawheed. Which verses indicate which parts of tawheed?

Answer: Taweed ar-ruboobiyah rabbil ‘alamin (the Lord of the worlds), Tawheed al-uloohiyah (You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help) Tawheed al-asma was-sifat (The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgement) Tafsir as-Sa’di Juz 1-3

Question 2: Fatihah: How does the first verse illustrate the comprehensiveness of the guidance of the Qur’an?Answer: Rabbil ‘alamin (the Lord of the worlds), guidance that is in the best interest which enables survival in this world. Guidance to all that is good and a protection from all that is evil. Tafsir as-Sa’di Juz 1-3

Question 3: Baqarah: In verse 3, Allah mentions belief in the unseen, establishing the prayer, and spending from what He provides. What is the connection between believing in the unseen and spending from what Allah provides? 

Answer: Belief in everything that Allah and the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  has informed us that in which we should do. Tafsir as-Sa’di Juz 1-3Question: Baqarah: Why does Allah conclude verse 20 by mentioning His power over all things? (See Ibn Kathir)Answer: Ibn Jarir commented, “Allah only described Himself with the ability to do everything as a warning to the hypocrites of His control over everything, and inform them that His ability completely encompasses them and that He is able to take away their hearing and sight.” Ibn Kathir Volume 1

Question 4: Baqarah: In Verse 30, Shaytan questioned Allah’s command to prostrate for Adam and was punished. When the Angels asked why Allah would place within the earth one who would cause mischief and bloodshed, Allah did not rebuke them. Why

Answer: The statement the angels uttered was not a form of disputing with Allah nor out of envy for the Children of Adam  as some mistakenly thought.  Rather it was only a question for the sake of learning about the wisdom of Allah. Ibn Kathir Volume 1

Question 5: Baqarah: How should the believer behave when they are blessed with victory?

Answer: Seeking the help of Allah “with patience” and turning to His is a cause of victory. Tafsir as-Sa’di Juz 1-3.  

Question 6: Baqarah: What is the main lesson we learn from verse 104 about the Islamic etiquette of speaking?

Answer: When speaking one should only use words that can only be interpreted in a good way. One should stay away from foul speech, and offensive words, or words that are ambiguous and may be interpreted in an inappropriate manner. Tafsir as-Sa’di Juz 1-3

Question 7: Baqarah: Why did Ibrahim and Ismail ask Allah to grant them tawbah while building the Kabah?

Answer: Remember Ibraheem and Isma'eel, when they were buildingt he walls of the House from the foundation upwards, and how they persisted in this great task with an attitude of both fear and hope. Whilst they were striving to complete this task, they prayed to Allah to accept their deeds from them, so that it might be a blessing for all.They prayed for themselves, and for their offspring to be Muslim; what this signifies is humility in the heart and submission to Allah, which is reflected in outward behavior. (Tafsir-As-Sadi volume 1)

Day 2

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Day 3

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